Password management

[italian version]

For the domain and for the Uniweb’s provisional utilities (ex visit the dedicated site

Change Password if you have a valid password

  • Use the change password of Gmail, you’ll be redirected on from the web interface of Gmail simply click on the profile icona t the top right of the browser (Unipd logo) and then on "Manage your Google account". This takes you to the profile configuration: in the section “Informazioni personali” select the Password item and you will be redirected to the authentication page on


  • From the menu on the right with the Unipd Links (red shield). Select “Cambio password” and and you will be redirected to the authentication page on

Password no longer valid (expired, forgotten)

  • For personal user (name.surname)
    • If you’ve already associated a cellular number to your user, make the ‘ Reset via SMS (in the field password insert your fiscal code in lowercase)’
    • Otherwise make the Password reset via questions and answers (in the field password insert your fiscal code in lowercase)
  • Only in the case that isn’t possible to make the Password reset send from an address of the domain the module ‘Password change request’: you’ll be telefonically recontacted and a code’ll be given to you with whom do the procedure for entering questions and answers.
  • For a non personal user ( open a ticket in the tail AREA SERVIZI INFORMATICI E TELEMATICI - SETTORE AMMINISTRAZIONE - Posta Elettronica.

First access

To activate your user it’s necessary to:

  • - Call the Help Desk at the number 049 827 3722 to receive username and an activation password for the first access
  • - After having concluded the call referred to in the previous point wait a few minutes
  • - Follow the instructions (the activation password is the one received on the phone) to effect the activation procedure.
Data creazione: 31/08/2022 - 15:25
Ultima modifica: 11/07/2024 - 12:18